Foster Care Agreement
Standards and Regulations
The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011:
Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care:
This is the written agreement made between you and the fostering service when you are approved.
It sets out the fostering service's expectations of you, what you are able to offer and the support and training you can expect.
You need to:
- Read and sign the Foster Care Agreement, keep one copy for yourself and return one signed copy to the Fostering Service;
- Following any change to your terms of approval, you will receive an amended copy of the Foster Care Agreement which you will need to sign the agreement again as above.
The agreement will contain:
- Terms of approval;
- Support and training;
- The review process;
- The process for making a complaint.
It will also cover your responsibilities:
- To care for the child with at least the same care and concern as you would if they were your own, keep them safe and promote their welfare;
- To keep the fostering service updated on the child's progress and any significant events that affect the child;
- Not to carry out any physical/corporal punishment;
- To keep all information about any child placed with you confidential unless the fostering service says you can share it;
- To attend relevant meetings including Child Protection Conferences and LAC Reviews concerning the child/young person and provide written reports if requested, and help prepare the child/young person where appropriate for meetings;
- To carry out their duties from the child's Placement Plan;
- To work within the fostering service's policies and procedures and guidance;
- To allow inspectors of the fostering service to visit your home, see you or the child/young person by prior arrangement;
- To attend the mandatory training courses as required.
You should inform the fostering service of:
- Any change of address or people living in the household;
- Any changes in your personal situation or events which affect their ability to care for the child placed with them;
- Any criminal convictions or cautions or criminal charges pending at any time following your approval as a foster carer, involving you or someone in your household;
- Any request by you or any member of your household, to foster or adopt children;
- Any request to be a registered childminder or day care provider by someone living in your household.