
Quick Links:
This contents list is sub divided into the following sections, each Section contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the Section you require):

  1. About Us
  2. Being a Foster Carer
  3. Safeguarding Everyone in our Household
  4. The Placement
  5. Caring for Children
  6. Resources

1. About Us

Getting Started with this Handbook  
  Statement of Purpose  
  Promoting Equality and Diversity  
  Children's Guide  
  Foster Carers Charter  

2. Being a Foster Carer

Caption: contents 2
What happens now I am approved?  
  Foster Care Agreement  
  Developing a Safer Caring Plan  
    Appendix 1: Developing a Safer Caring Plan Template  
  Support and Supervision  
  Money Matters and Insurance  
  Support to your own Children  
  Reviewing my Approval and Appeals  
  Training and Development  
    Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care - Evidence Workbook  
    Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care - Guidance  
    Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care - Evidencing Factsheet  
    Training, Support and Development Standards for Short Break Foster Carers - Workbook  
    Training, Support and Development Standards for Family and Friends Foster Carers - Workbook  
  Recording and Information Sharing  
  Monitoring and Notifications – When I need to tell other people about things  
  Working with Families and other Professionals  

3. Safeguarding Everyone in our Household

Safeguarding Children and Young People and Referring Safeguarding Concerns  
What Happens if an Allegation is Made Against Me or My Family?  
  Complaints by and for Children  
  How can I make a Complaint against the Fostering Service  
  Missing Children  
  Internet, Photographs and Mobile Phones  
  Child Sexual Exploitation  
  Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines  
  Female Genital Mutilation  
  Self-harm and Suicidal Behaviour  
  Extremism and Radicalisation  
  The Foster Home and Health and Safety  
  Surveillance and Monitoring  

4. The Placement

Types of Placement (including changes e.g. Adoption)  
  Understanding Placement Plans and Looked After Reviews  
  Helping a Child to Settle Into Your Home  
  My Placement may be Breaking Down  
  Ending a Placement  

5. Caring for Children

What Decisions can I Make?  
  Involving Children in Decision Making  
  Risk Assessment and Planning  
  School and Education  
  Contact Between the Child, their Family and Others  
  Children with a Disability and those Children who May Need Special Medical Help  
  Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management  
  Restrictive Physical Intervention and Restraint  
  Relationships and Sex  
  Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking  
  Keeping Memories  
  Babysitters, Day Care and Overnight Stays  
  First Aid and Medication  
  Moving Towards Independence  

6. Resources

Useful Resources  
  Forms and Records  
  Training, Support and Useful Information  
  Local Contacts